Let’s meet at Kuhstall Barn!
Separated from the disco is the Barn (“Kuhstall”).
The cozy bar is equipped with numerous wall paintings for homesickness Europeans (a small relaxing oasis). 😉
Kuhstall Barn has a pool table and a football table for small or big tournaments…
…if you don’t like to have a small talk with the barn-girls…
How you call those “hanging meat”? Like to order this next time in your restaurant…
Hello Kunkru Acht. Thank you for your inquiry.
The “hanging meat” is called “Gallows – Steak”. You can order it with us at Le Chalet Swiss Restaurant, Chicco’s Deli or after 6PM at the barn (Kuhstall)…
Hi Why Not! Thanks for the quick reply!
[…] of the Why Not Swiss Restaurant Le Chalet | Chicco’s | Why Not Travel | Why Not Cyber Box | The Barn | Why Not Disco seems like a “stress vacation” for […]